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Service Capabilities

Scrap metal originates frequently in any industry be it a steel plant, a rolling mill or any other metal producing industry. It is a major activity for the manufacturing industry to deploy convenient methods to get rid of the unwanted scrap. The unwanted scrap is often taken to a wrecking yard or a scrapyard, where it may be broken into manageable sizes and may undergo other suitable processing such as re-sizing and segregation, before being recycled or re-transported for subsequent disposal or melting into new products. The proper disposal and recycling of scrap metal is typically done by a specialist service provider. This is where MLPL comes in to your assistance.

MLPL specializes in handling, transportation and processing of all kinds of steel/metal scrap generated in an Iron and Steel plant, Rolling Mill or other similar industry. Scrap from rolling mills may consist of mill scale and end cuts. It also has the capacity to handle variety of slags including those generated from Blast Furnaces, Basic Oxygen Furnaces and Electric Arc Furnaces. This includes slag from ancillary operations such as de-sulphurization and ladle treatments as well.

Scrap Processing may include cutting and breaking scrap and screening it to produce various sizes for suitability of returning back to the melting furnace. This processing can be carried out on tundish skulls, ladle skulls, scrap coils, revert scrap, crop ends, and other various scrap. MLPL provides the necessary equipment and staff to carry out all of these activities.

MLPL has the capability, resources and experience to render the following Services:

  1. Material Handling, Processing & Transportation
  2. Material Segregation
  3. Logistic Services
  4. Scrap Yard Management
  5. Mechanized Raw Material Screening
  6. Surface Grinding of Billets & Slabs

Benefits of recycling Scrap

Recycling scrap metals can be quite beneficial to the environment as well as to the business. Using recycled scrap metal in place of virgin iron ore can yield:

  • Savings in energy
  • Savings in raw materials used
  • Reduction in air pollution
  • Reduction in water use
  • Reduction in water pollution
  • Reduction in mining wastes